Oh yeah..tasted it today. How 'sweet'.
Well oh well, thanks for being such a jerk and kind enough to stab me in the back. Its just hilarious..you have no idea..
I've kicked asses, and what joy it is to take on some biggies like you. I can't wait, seriously. I want to see that shitty face of yours when I claim victory. Take note that I wasn't afraid and I will never be, I'm ready to strike back whenever the oppotunity arises, but what sets us apart is that..I just can't get as low as you, blardy idiot.
Hu hu hu..too bad I'm not working tomorrow. I want to stare you in the eyes and perform some of my little tricks on you to make sure that your blood pressure soars sky high. Hah! How I wish you're way under your budget this month, and try beating my records of raking in 23% more profit, old man! :p
P/s: Pardon my language, I just needed to rant. Don't worry, my Lord taught me to love my enemies..hhheeeeeee... =D