I've turned my room into a battlefield!
Nuff of dissertation. Gimme a break! haha..
Its summer in UK (doesn't feel very summer-y though, I wonder if there is such thing called summer in UK) and we had barbeques after barbeques, dinners after dinners, and many other random activities. It was madness, but I must say I've enjoyed each and every one of the 'summer activities' and the time we spent together will be one of my fondest memories of Leeds :)
Time flies really really fast..can't believe I'll be on my way back home soon. Images of me crying when I was leaving Malaysia are still clearly etched in my mind, and now here I am, stressed with all the packing..*growl*. Many things happened these few weeks, did loads of thinking and loads of talking with mummy.. prayed, sought, asked, waited.. Today, I've decided to lay it all down, and it does feel much better :) should have done that earlier, silly. -.-"
Oh yeah, got my results a couple of days ago. Better than I expected, jadi rasa amat bersyukur la yer.. haha
Now, smack me and call me a g-r-a-d-u-a-t-e! :p
Mum's coming over next Friday and we'll be travelling around UK and Europe before coming back to Leeds for my graduation. So, expect another round of my absence again..hahaha. Will try to go online and blog(slim chance, but will try) whenever I can from the hotels/hostels/internet cafes. OK, jeannie? hehe..